Amazon 1.0, a Reality to Be Faced

Valor Econômico, Izabella Teixeira, Marcello Brito, Francisco Gaetani e Roberto Waak in 06/06/2022

Cupuaçu is a tree native to the Amazon region, widely found in the states of Amapá, Amazonas and Pará. However, due to the inconsistency of distribution, one of the main cupuaçu processors in Belém is forced to buy pulp from Bahia.

This is because producers in the Amazon still find it difficult to transform raw material into an agricultural product, an activity that has been consolidated in the rest of the country for decades. Thus, amateurism and the distancing of the Amazon from the rest of Brazil predominate.

For the bioeconomy to become a sustainable alternative for the country, and especially for the Amazon, it will be necessary to start with the basics: analyzing the different realities of the Amazon.

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