Tropical forests are strategic in the Brazilian economy

Valor Econômico, Sérgio Adeodato in 29/06/2022

The timber forestry industry directly contributes US$661 billion to global GDP, but more than doubles it – about US$1.5 trillion – in the chain of purchases by other sectors and wage expenditures by workers in the sector. In Latin America, the values ​​are between US$ 46 billion and US$ 101 billion.

Preliminary studies show that 15% of wood products exported in the world (including pulp and paper) have an illegal origin, totaling US$ 20 billion a year, according to 2018 data. The trend is increasing: since 2000, the illegal volume has grown from 81 million to 93 million cubic meters, in the average between the worst and the best scenario. Brazil, China, Indonesia and Russia are the most illegal among the 37 countries analyzed.

The State of the World’s Forests 2022 report indicates that the proportion of indirect socioeconomic impacts is even greater when considering the non-cellulose and paper wood segment, where the largest share of natural forest production in tropical countries such as Brazil is found. . “The picture shows the importance of forest management for generating employment and income and eradicating extreme rural poverty”, says Thais Linhares-Juvenal, head of FAO’s Forest Values ​​and Investments team.

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