In Amapá, Women Find in the Production of Biocosmetics an Alternative to Mining

Mongabay Brasil, Carolina Pinheiro in 30/11/2021

Women from the Alto Araguari region, in the interior of Amapá, invested in the production of biocosmetics as a source of income and rescue of the local culture. Founded in 2020, the Associação Sementes do Araguari brings together around 30 women and emerged after the closing of an illegal mine that operated in the region.

The group now uses seeds and plants, such as andiroba, pracaxi, breu-branco, copaiba, for the sustainable production of soaps, creams, oils and candles. For the president of the Association, Arlete Pantoja, the idea is to establish a harmonious relationship with the forest and guarantee financial independence for the families in the region.

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