OECD Requires Candidates to Its Membership Investigate Violence Against Environmental Activists, Making it Difficult for Brazil to Join the Organization

O Globo, Janaína Figueiredo in 10/06/2022

On June 10th, the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) published the action plans required of countries that are in the process of joining the organization’s membership, including Brazil. The document is a kind of map, with the terms and conditions for access by candidates and is the first concrete step in the accession process.

Among the organization’s demands are the strengthening of environmental control agencies, combating impunity for violations of environmental laws and ensuring that acts of violence against environmental activists are rigorously investigated.

At this moment, the OECD Council of Ministers is evaluating, in addition to Brazil, the candidacy of Peru, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.

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