As a way to assist in the trade of Brazil nuts, the Zoró people, who live in the Northwestern region of Mato Grosso, partnered with the Coopavan (Agriculturists’ Cooperative of Vale do Amanhecer). Headquartered in an agrarian reform settlement 909 kilometers from Cuiabá, the group has 7,200 hectares of Amazon rainforest and has become a reference in the social business model based on sustainable forest products.
In addition to paying an adequate price for the nut and supporting logistics, the cooperative guarantees the flow of production through fair and transparent contracts, above the amount paid by middlemen, a traditional figure in the nut trade that operates between producers and consumers.
The cooperative produces around 400 tons of Brazil nuts annually and expects to reach 700 tons in the future. In addition to guaranteeing income for family farmers and traditional peoples in the region, the initiative strengthens the preservation of the forest in a region constantly threatened by land grabbers and loggers.
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